Scientific name: Exidia crenata (Schwein.) Fr.
Derivation of name: Exidia means "staining or exuding,"
crenata means (TBD).
Synonyms: Exidia recisa (Ditmer) Fr., Tremella recisa
Common name(s): American amber jelly fungus.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Tremellales
Family: Exidiaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic; in groups and
clusters on decaying deciduous wood; May through October.
Dimensions: Fruitbodies 1.5-3.5 cm wide and up to 2 cm
high. Fruitbodies often cluster together to form masses up
to 10 cm or more long.
Description: Yellow-brown to purple-brown to cinnamon-
brown; individual fruit bodies are lobed with ridges separating
concave depressed areas; fruit bodies centrally attached to
sometimes with stem-like structure; clustering of
fruitbodies gives rise to irregular, gelatinous, brainlike or
lobed masses; surface covered with tiny, blackish,
wart-like projections (use hand lens).
Comments: When clustered together, the individual fruit-
bodies are hard to separate.
More information at

Figure 1. Specimens of Exidia crenata of various sizes growing
on hardwood twigs.
Photo © Cecily Franklin.

Figure 2. Appearance of Exidia crenata on wood.
Photo© Dianna Smith.

Figure 3. Exidia crenata. Photo © William

Figure 4. Many fruitbodies clustered together to form a
larger mass. Photo © John Plischke III.